Rather than using the standard "Open a file" window, UberNES provides a rich and fully featured game browser that makes it fun to choose which game to play next
When you select a game, all kinds of information about it will be displayed. The publisher, developer, release date, and even the box description from the back of the original package will be displayed
If you have box art images on your computer, UberNES will display the box art for each game
Statistics from the UberNES leaderboards including high scores and more are also displayed in the game browser
In order to provide this feature, UberNES must create a "NES Database" by scanning your ROM collection
Creating a database is extremely fast and simple
It is even easier to re-scan your ROMs if you download more games and need to update your database. Re-scanning your ROM collection is robust and you are guaranteed to never lose your gameplay stastitics (high scores, speed runs, etc)